Berufsbildende Schulen Cuxhaven

Tourism, flows of commodity, climate change - these are all different facets of globalisati- on. The willingness to deal with international interrelations becomes even more important in professional life – just as with the knowledge/competence in various foreign languages. Therefore we encourage you at the BBS Cuxhaven to think outside the box during your apprenticeship/education. As an “Europaschule“ we promote knowledge about Europe and European institutions, strengthen multilingualism and support the development of intercultural competence. Opportunities at The BBS Cuxhaven are manifold: From the “Fremdsprachenzertifikat“ (certificate of foreign language) to international school pro- jects, to a stay/work placement in a foreign country through the Erasmus program + and “Ausbildung weltweit“, you are provided with many possibilities. Being cosmopolitan is the key qualification for your future! Cuxhaven goes abroad